legalisation in Poland

Temporary residence permit for the purpose
of work

Residence permit for a person working in Poland

The simplest and most popular type of legalisation is a work-related residence card

Poland's growing economy can absorb a huge number of incoming workers.

Special conditions are created for their legalisation, and the conditions for legalisation and assimilation of guest workers are constantly improved and simplified.

Needless to say, a residence card makes life in Poland much easier. Having a residence card removes a lot of questions, starting with the main one - now you stay and work in Poland legally, without the need to constantly extend your work visa, and after 5 years you will be able to apply for the status of an EU resident.

Make an appointment for counselling on obtaining a work-related TRC
Step-by-step algorithm

How to get a work-related TRC

Who can get

An employee employed by a Polish company

Necessary requirements

A contract for a period of at least 3 months, with a wage not lower than the minimum wage established by law.


This type of residence permit allows you to work only for the same employer, in the same position, for the same salary, under the same conditions - any changes must be made on your residence permit card