housing market in Poland

Open a real estate agency
in Poland

Consistency of right decisions - successful business start-up 

How to open a real estate agency in Poland

There is a very large flow of people from the countries of the former Soviet Union

It is very easy to become a realtor, to open your own real estate agency in Poland.
No licences, permits or permits are required.
There are a number of training courses, some of which give diplomas and certificates for real estate agents, but this is not necessary to do real estate work in Poland.
Register as an entrepreneur or incorporate a limited liability company.
Specify the relevant activities.
You start working.

The development and implementation of RODO regulations will be required prior to commencement of work.
And you may need to develop and implement AML regulations - depending on your specific business.

Peculiarities of opening a real estate agency in Poland

Who can establish

Any foreigner

Who can establish

Open an LLC or work as an entrepreneur

You can work both ways

Open an LLC or work as an entrepreneur

Do you need a cash register

You can work without a cash register

Do you need a cash register

What authorisations are required

No special authorisations are required

What authorisations are required

RODO Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

Due to the fact that the work of a realtor, real estate agency is associated with the processing of personal data (name, surname, telephone numbers, e-mail and so on), it is necessary to develop and implement mechanisms for the protection of personal data

RODO Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

Work according to AML regulations

All real estate agencies and realtors (except those who only deal in rentals and the monthly rent does not exceed the equivalent of €10,000) are institutions obliged (under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Act) to develop, implement and comply with the relevant regulations

Work according to AML regulations
Sign up for a consultation on opening a real estate agency

Opening a real estate agency (realtor) step by step

Registration of

Registration of sp. zoo (LLC) or registration as an individual entrepreneur
It takes 1-2 days to register an entrepreneur, about 7 days on average to register a limited liability company

Filing of declarations and information

After the registration of Sp. zoo is required to pay taxes on civil law transactions, submit information to the tax authorities, and enter information in the Register of Beneficiaries
You do not need to do this after registering as an entrepreneur

Opening a bank account

This has become increasingly difficult in recent times and can take up to two to three weeks in terms of time

Staff selection

Employees must undergo medical examinations and occupational health and safety training

What else you'll need

Develop and implement RODO regulations (GDPR)

Develop and implement AML regulations - if you are an obligated institution

Bottom line - how long does it take to open

As a rule, it takes about a week from the start of registration to the start of the real estate agency (realtor) work